November 26, 2007
i am not lunchless, per se, more unable to bring myself to eat it. Go figure. And the weather is getting crappy again, after the gloriousness that was the past three days.
November 22, 2007
title? hmmm
I have been at the office for 3.5 hrs now (figure that out - it's 11am) and have done approximately an hour's work. unless you count all the phone calls i've taken, that might edge it up a bit.
But figuring i have working been my little ass off for the past month, i figure i can finally have a morning of slackness.
Slackness has also been seen on the exercise front this week due to the wind deciding to make itself known again, which doesn't bode well for bike riding. And i've wanted to do things other than run with my lunch hours lately. Hopefully i'll be in the mood to go for one when i get home, or my waistline may be in big trouble.
On the exciting news front, i bought a computer! well, the boy and i did really. A shiny new imac. We went into the mac shop the other day to buy it, but after some confusion, they didn't have the one we wanted in stock. 4-6 weeks to wait for it. My ass. I got a bit stroppy. What made me more stroppy was the fact that the VERY NEXT DAY they had a full on magazine style brochure in the paper advertising the freaking thing. Talk about good business - not - if you don't have it in stock, why are you doing a mega promo of it?
So in protest i went online and bought it, and we should have it in about 2 weeks, if not sooner. woohoo! I guess maybe i should be nice and call the store to say we don't want theirs anymore...
And it's the weekend tomorrow. I have coffee with a friend, shopping and crafting of the christmas and market stall kind. happy, happy day.
ok now maybe i should do some work.
November 17, 2007
i am here, under the elephants
The boy got creative with a stone...aww...
My favourite thing about Makara is the light - it makes for the most detailed pictures. The way the shadows fall on the stones, how the sun drops over the hill, how everything is bathed in a warm glow - makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.lastly...a shot of my ass. after going to the vege market this morning. We went to take the shot i scoped out yesterday morning on my bike ride and...the fountain wasn't on. Typical.
I did get a bit of crafting done this weekend, but haven't taken any pics yet, not until i actually finish something - hopefully this week. :)
November 16, 2007
beautiful, beautiful day
For a little backtrack, i went to the opening of my sister's exhibition last night. She's literally just finished a diploma in visual media, and her class is having a graduating exhibition on Manners street for the next two weeks. So proud of her for sticking with it - i dropped out of design at Massey after a year when i discovered i was much better at writing than drawing, and that i preferred sewing as a hobby than as a job. Her stuff is very cool though, and i keep thinking that i wish i could set something up that supports emerging designers - a student gallery or the like. Something to mull over for a bit.
And i had to harvest more lettuce this morning, as the plants are getting a bit over excited! All the rain and sunshine of the last week has been like steroids for them. So we get to have fresh, home grown salad this weekend.
(the lettuce post-harvest)
(the tomatoes that i really should stake)
I tried to do some more sewing this afternoon in the peace and quiet, but just can't get into it. Maybe because my brain just wants to rest after yet another crazy week! I really need to get going on my Christmas presents though...only five weeks to go apparently. Argh. One little whinge - why is it that Spotlight seems to have fewer staff every single time i go there? the queues were ridiculous, and half the stuff i needed, such as a certain colour thread, had run out and they obviously hadn't had time to restock due to lack of staff. Sort it out, people! And latest lesson - fabric warehouse has cheaper calico and nylon netting.
Am off to pick up a bottle of wine and the boy - we're going out to Makara with fish and chips to hang out and take photos. It's like a replay of something we did when we first got together, and we got some amazing shots - except they were all on film and i can't find the negs. Gutted!
November 14, 2007
something to smile about
November 13, 2007
thunder and lightning
And I want to whinge about some things. With the sky so grey I think I’m entitled. I’m trying to find somewhere, anywhere in central Wellington that will print digital photos for less than $1 a pop. At this point I’m going to have to do a massive lunchtime mission all the way to the other end of town to get some images printed at a reasonable price. And the place I’m going to charges extra (!!) for matt and white borders. What a freaking rip off.
And what is with the women presenting the netball at the moment all wearing the same dress? They look like bridesmaids, and they don’t seem terribly impressed by it. Going by their facial expressions, they all appear to be thinking the same thing – I feel like an idiot. Put them in news presenter blazers, and they’ll all look a million times more professional.
The only other thing I can think of to whinge about right now is that no matter what I do at the moment, my house feels like a constant mess. I swear it is reproducing. I might need to resort to drastic measures, like eating dinner straight out of the pan. Hmmm.
November 11, 2007
full and frank
November 10, 2007
the best news ever!!
Christmas placements part one (for presents) and summer pj bottoms. OMG how i love the fabric of these - the photo really is a bit crap cos the light is going and has made them look all blue. When i get the chance and the light is better i'll take another one. It reminds me of when i was 8 and my mum still made my clothes - ah reminiscing. They aren't the most attaractive when on but they are basically the boy's boxer shorts pattern so that's what you get i suppose.
And yes i'm already thinking about Christmas. Usually i'll be in denial until mid-December but this year i seem to be all for it. Might have something to do with our little card enterprise - i keep telling myself we need to take some Christmas photos for cards, and i aim to make the majority of my gifts this year to save a bit of moolah and have an excuse to do lots of sewing.
But for now, i'm off to make a semi-experimental dinner and have wee dance around the lounge - yay for card orders!!
November 8, 2007
sanity withdrawal
November 3, 2007
sleep, glorious sleep
Friday night i was so exhausted i went to bed at 8, and when the boy got home around midnight and he said hello i could barely lift my head. The most frustrating thing was that i woke up at 6.10 am on saturday morning and couldn't get back to sleep i eventually gave up, started sewing and organised everything for the market so the boy got to stay in bed til 9.
I'm super glad we did make it to the market - it is enforced relaxation time. I can sit and chat to people and hand sew and don't have all those niggly household jobs hanging over my head. It was a pretty quiet day yesterday but we still did ok. The best part of the day though was when a strange man quickly and quietly handed me a wad of papers - application forms for three local markets. woohoo! So in the coming months we will (hopefully) also be doing: the khandallah fair (9 Dec); the Newtown Fair (2 March); the Kilbirnie festival (6 April) aaaand all going well the two martinborough fairs in february and march next year. actually that would mean two fairs in two days but we'll have to plan well for that one.
Anyway i'll be glad of the excuse to make more ipod covers - when i was up at 7.30 yesterday sewing i remembered how much i love making them - they are actually relaxing, and i love putting together different fabrics and thinking of new embroidery designs to put on them. They haven't done terribly well at the aro market thus far but i don't think it's quite the right audience for them anyway.
And i just half-succesfully made us pho for dinner. (i think it's vietnamese soup). It worked really well considering i improvised on a few ingredients - but that is the story of my life.
Enough boring writing, here are some random photos.Not terribly exciting photos but i promise to work harder on that front. Here's to another mad week...