January 12, 2009

oops, i lost track of time. 

The past three have consisted of three things: moving, cleaning and driving between the hutt and wellington. Joy of joys. My body is so tired, i think i'll treat it to a bath a bit later. 

But now,  a few blogs that I enjoy. Because, mainly, they have pretty pictures. I'm a bit too slack to update my blogroll, see....

First, Meet Me At Mikes. Please? once upon a time, i lived in Melbourne, and i went to this shop. It was at the end of a long luxurious day wandering (and buying) at the Bridge Street shops. They had cool stuff. But i'd spent all my money. I think that since i was there in 2006, they've evolved into something a bit different, and now there is a second shop, in my fave part of town, Fitzroy. 

The Craft: blog is always full of cool stuff too. Every once in awhile i'll consider buying the mag when i'm in Magnetix, but it's a bit pricey here and to be honest, i'm not so keen on the layout of the thing. But the blog is full of great, random crazy ideas that makes one appreciate just how many awesome crafty creative people are out there. Also makes one feel a tad inadequate and wonder, 'would i have ever thought of that??'

And for some glam: this chick finds some beautiful things. I love looking for and finding beautiful images (one of the wondrous discoveries of first year design) but it's not something i think to do very often. 

During the madness I did find the time to have coffee with a friend and spot some more graffiti. One has to stay sane, ya'know. The current obsession is with paste-ups. Just that much more depth than a spraycan.

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